Developing your buyer persona basically tells you who buys from you.

And a few examples of the demographics of your persona includes:

  • Gender
  • Geographic location
  • Marital status

Which also helps build your marketing strategy.

But to fully understand your buyer, you need to know:

  • Their lifestyle
  • Their daily habits or hobbies
  • Their values and opinions

And to know this, you need to know your customer’s psychographics.

Keep reading to learn more.

What are Psychographics?

Psychographics is taking the buyer’s demographic information you already know and figuring out their: 

  • Lifestyle
  • Behaviours
  • Habits

So basically, demographics tell you who your buyers are and psychographics tell you why they buy.

This information is valuable when it comes to building your marketing strategy.

For example, psychographic data has been used in direct mail marketing so marketers can figure out who to send mail to.

And also in TV advertisements, demographic and psychographic data is used to find out:

  • Who watches certain shows and channels
  • Which products to advertise

Finding Psychographic Data

Understanding both the demographics and psychographics of your target buyer.

Is about understanding your customers.

You can do that by finding their psychographic data here:

Marketing Data

Take your marketing data and ask yourself:

  • Which offers are downloaded the most?
  • Which blog posts get the most interaction?
  • At what times do emails get opened most?

So looking at your data and asking different types of questions will bring out the psychographic data you need.

Sales and Customer Service Teams

Listen to the people who talk with prospects and customers everyday.

These people have a lot of valuable information, so either:

  • Ask them what they hear from customers
  • Listen to their calls

And with this information you can:

  • Store it in your CRM
  • Collect it and build customer profiles
  • Export the data to look for trends


Use surveys for finding the psychographics of your buyer persona.

After analysing the data you already have of your buyers.

Use surveys to ask follow-up questions on the data you’ve analysed.

Social Media

Use social networks to find out more about your buyers.

So looking at buyers’ social profiles tells you their likes and dislikes.

Focus Groups or Group Interviews

Talk directly to your buyers to find out their psychographic information.

So find out more about the lives of your ideal customers who fit you buyer persona by:

  • Calling them
  • Talking face to face


Find out more than just the demographics of your buyer persona.

Because psychographic data is valuable at making your marketing stand out from competitors.

And it will also help:

  • Connect with your target market
  • Convert leads into customers
  • Keep customers happy

Now it’s over to you.

Tell me how:

  • You gather your psychographic data
  • Using it has benefitted your marketing

Let me know in the comment section below.

1 thought on “What are Psychographics?”

  1. Pingback: Psychographics in Marketing - XXMG

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