You can find a prospect that wants to buy your product or service.
Then you can qualify them with questions about:
- Their needs
- How they’d use your product or service
But presenting your solution, if you realise it won’t solve their problem.
Because you have rushed through the most important part of a sale, which is knowing exactly what your client wants.
And this happens because sellers fail to confirm what they think they heard a client say.
Basically, simply repeat what prospects say back to them to make sure you heard them correctly, because:
- It show you’re listening as most salespeople don’t have this skill so clients appreciate it and feel more connected to you
- It shows respect on a high level
- Using buyer’s own words in the same order and sequence is subconsciously pleasurable for them
- It keeps clients engaged by approving what you said and listening to what you’re saying
- If you get something wrong, they can correct you which helps the process
- Clients will add information to what’s repeated back to them, even adding value to the sale amount
So remember to take that important step in the sales process and confirm what you think your client said.
This results in subconscious bonding and respect and saves a lot of time.
And this is done by simply focusing on what the client is saying, not what you think they have said.