More people are using their smartphone as their main device for internet use.
Because of this, Google started The AMP Project, or Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This helps publishers build web pages that load faster on mobile devices.
Let’s dive right in and find out more about this new project.
What is AMP?
AMP helps load content faster by getting rid of JavaScript from the page.
Loading text-based content first, then the rest of the content after.
Google started this project because:
- They see the importance of improving mobile searchers user experience (UX)
- They want to compete with Apple News and Facebook Instant Articles
A few examples of Google’s partner publishers that have started using AMP includes:
- Vox
- BuzzFeed
- The Washington Post
Doing so creates a “Top Stories” carousel in Google Search, showing articles built with AMP.
To test what AMP looks like on your mobile phone:
- Open up your Google app
- Search for a newsworthy topic
Articles built or formatted with AMP show:
- At the top of SERPs in a carousel of results
- On the main Google SERPs
Why is AMP important?
AMP improves user experience because:
- Mobile searchers find information faster
- Are less likely to click away to another website
A page that is AMP-formatted loads at a median time of 0.7 seconds.
Compared to other web pages which load at a median time of 22 seconds.
AMP helps attract and retain website visitors because people spend less than 15 seconds on a website before bouncing.
And, according to Google, 29% of smartphone users leave a website if it’s slow or they can’t find the information they want.
Searchers use mobile devices more than computers worldwide.
So if you’ve already optimised for mobile devices on:
- Your website
It’s time to optimise your content for mobile search with AMP.
AMP also helps increase content visibility because:
- Content shows as a carousel at the top of Google SERPs
- A lightning bolt icon distinguishes AMP pages in search results
This helps content get more attention from users which gets more clicks and traffic.
How does AMP affect SEO?
Search rankings are important to marketers.
Their goal is to use inbound marketing to get attention from potential visitors.
And this is done in the search engine results.
A few examples of the ways marketers optimise their content for search results include:
- Keywords
- Headings
- Alt-text
And the lastest is formatting blog posts and news articles with AMP HTML code.
But, AMP is not a search engine ranking signal, so formatting pages with it wont help in search rankings.
Instead, AMP is one feature that Google looks for when deciding rankings.
For example, if two articles have the same ranking signals then the fastest out the two will do better.
Basically, speed affects search rankings.
So don’t rely on AMP formatting alone, use it with other strong signals to rank higher.
For example, content that’s fast and relevant has a low bounce rate and gets higher search rankings because Google sees it as useful to readers.
How to Use AMP
To use AMP on your web pages, build new web pages with AMP HTML.
You can’t build the same web page with AMP for desktop and mobile search.
Because AMP gets rid of third-party JavaScript for faster page load times for mobile users.
And for desktop users, the web page would be:
- More simple
- Less exciting
Remember, AMP improves user experience, so a separate AMP version gives desktop and mobile visitors the best experience.
Note: Use rel= “canonical” tags so Google doesn’t flag your content as duplicated.
To build a AMP coded web page, go to The AMP Project website for:
And for ideas on how to design your AMP, check out their portfolio of AMP examples.
With CMS systems, like WordPress, you can download plugins which enable blog posts with AMP.
This save you the time and money you would spend to:
- Hire a developer
- Learn how to code AMP
Instead, download and run the plugin for AMP-formatted blog posts discoverable in mobile search.
Look out for search results in AMP carousels on your mobile device.
Also new mobile optimisation features from Google’s competitors on:
- Search engines
- Software
- Social media channels
But, whilst you wait:
- Learn more at The AMP Project
- Download AMP plugins for your WordPress blog pages
- Look for our blog content in your AMP carousels
Now it’s over to you.
Tell me your strategies for optimising your blog for mobile search?
Let me know in the comments section below.