When certain businesses start new initiatives, on the outside these moves might seem a bit random.

But once you consider buyer personas then these moves make a lot more sense. 

Businesses identify their buyer personas based on:

  • Their lifestyle
  • Things they enjoy
  • Their interest
  • Their value

What a business’s consumer cares about and finds important is vital when creating their buyer personas.

And buyer personas matter because they help businesses:

  • Be authentic to their consumers
  • Relate to them on a personal level
  • Expand their reach
  • Create lifelong brand advocates

So keep reading to learn what buyer personas are.

What is a buyer persona? 

A buyer persona is a profile of your ideal customer.

Buyer personas are created using:

  • Market research
  • Existing customer data

When creating buyer personas, they must be as detailed as possible and include:

  • Customer demographics
  • Behaviour patterns
  • Motivations
  • Goals

Doing so will help your business when it comes to structure and insight. 

Also detailed buyer personas help your business figure out:

  • Where to focus your time
  • How to guide product development
  • The goals to target in your business

And as a result your business will attract valuable:

  • Visitors
  • Leads
  • Customers

1 thought on “What is a Buyer Persona?”

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